Cancer Biology Wuyan Li Cancer Biology Wuyan Li

Human GM-CSF/IL-3 enhance tumor immune infiltration in humanized HCC patient-derived xenografts

Animal models that recapitulate human disease are greatly needed. Leveraging xenograft tumors derived from patients with advanced HCCs and a commercially available immunodeficient mouse strain that expresses human GM-CSF and IL-3, we demonstrate a novel but accessible approach for modeling the HCC tumor microenvironment. Kelley, et al. JHEP Reports (2024): 101264.

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Cancer Biology Melissa Motzkin Cancer Biology Melissa Motzkin

Transarterial Embolization Modulates the Immune Response within Target and Nontarget Hepatocellular Carcinomas in a Rat Model.

Triple immuno fluorescence for the macrophage marker CD68, arterial marker smooth muscle actin (SMA), and 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) stain (marks cell nuclei) on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) specimens containing tris-acryl gelatin microspheres. The foreign body reaction, as indicated by macrophage number, differs between embolic type and vascular location. Extra = extravascular, Intra = intravascular. Tischfield et al., Radiology 2022.

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