Human GM-CSF/IL-3 enhance tumor immune infiltration in humanized HCC patient-derived xenografts
Animal models that recapitulate human disease are greatly needed. Leveraging xenograft tumors derived from patients with advanced HCCs and a commercially available immunodeficient mouse strain that expresses human GM-CSF and IL-3, we demonstrate a novel but accessible approach for modeling the HCC tumor microenvironment. Kelley, et al. JHEP Reports (2024): 101264.
Transarterial Embolization Modulates the Immune Response within Target and Nontarget Hepatocellular Carcinomas in a Rat Model.
Triple immuno fluorescence for the macrophage marker CD68, arterial marker smooth muscle actin (SMA), and 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) stain (marks cell nuclei) on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) specimens containing tris-acryl gelatin microspheres. The foreign body reaction, as indicated by macrophage number, differs between embolic type and vascular location. Extra = extravascular, Intra = intravascular. Tischfield et al., Radiology 2022.
Electrolytic ablation enables cancer cell targeting through pH modulation.
3D surface plot of 2D linear interpolation of pH measurements demonstrating cytotoxic pHs generated adjacent to the anode and cathode following electrolytic ablation. Perkons et al., Communications Biology 2018.
Ischemia Induces Quiescence and Autophagy Dependence in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Gade TPF, Tucker E, Nakazawa MS, Hunt SJ, Wong W, Krock B, Weber CN, Nadolski GJ, Clark TWI, Soulen MC, Furth EE, Winkler JD, Amaravadi RK, Simon MC. Radiology. 2017 Jun;283(3):702-710. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2017160728. Epub 2017 Mar 2.PMID: 28253108